"Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles."

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          Welcome to my collection of background tiles that I've made using a combination of different methods, software and filters.  They are quite useful, not only in backgrounds for the web, but also for use in personal projects like stationery, recipe cards, postcards, envelopes, bookmarks and gift-cards, to name a few uses.  If you would like to any of them for totally non-profit purposes, please feel free to click on the smaller image to view the large tile.  Right-click on the large tile and select to "save as".  Remember to place it in a convenient location so you will be able to find it later to use when you need it.  Thanks for visiting.

          9287-xl.jpg (26801 bytes)

          9287-xlt.jpg (23113 bytes)

          9561-xl.jpg (54738 bytes)

          bluewolf.jpg (107011 bytes)

          Image6.jpg (36205 bytes)

None of the images on this site are for re-publication or for the purpose of profit.  They are a collaboration collected throughout the internet.  If there is an image here that you feel should not be posted, please contact us so we can attempt to resolve any conflicts.  Thanks.  Additionally, we can not account for each and every image collected and represented here on this site, so please do accept our gratitude for the amazing and wonderful artwork and hope that there is no problem with its use.  Thanks once again.  Please enjoy the site.  We appreciate your visit.


jesse_jane2.jpg (70561 bytes)

jesse_jane.jpg (40631 bytes)

natv19l1g.jpg (72198 bytes)

natv19lg.jpg (40603 bytes)

purple_wol2f.jpg (99029 bytes)

purple_wolf.jpg (58083 bytes)

triumvirate1.jpg (38901 bytes)

triumvirate.jpg (63870 bytes)

wild08lg2.jpg (20995 bytes)

CC719.jpg (28487 bytes)

wild08lg.jpg (16375 bytes)

wolfsong2.jpg (48248 bytes)

wolfsong.jpg (27797 bytes)

2c660381bb247fa2.jpg (25984 bytes)

021_SP-059.jpg (9064 bytes)

041.jpg (17472 bytes)

042.jpg (15261 bytes)

065.jpg (15577 bytes)

075.jpg (17018 bytes)

clarinetandwine.gif (81070 bytes)

025.jpg (16167 bytes)

36ac336c3c106f5f.jpg (35963 bytes)

113.jpg (15590 bytes)

117.jpg (15261 bytes)

antediluvian.gif (184244 bytes)

back.jpg (26137 bytes)

bottles.jpg (50991 bytes)

brushedroses.jpg (37446 bytes)

CC718.jpg (30272 bytes)

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